"It is my job to make sure that you grow up to be a productive member of society and not a burden to it!" ~ my dad.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Frugal Friday

I am participating in my first ever Frugal Fridays over at BiblicalWomanhood.com. Head on over there to get some great tips on saving money and stretching a dollar.

I am on task this year to find Christmas gifts for under $10.00. I've been doing pretty well with this and want to share with you one of my favorites.

I found this plain, metal cd holder at the dollar store and decided I could easily fancy it up with left-over scrap pieces from my scrapbooking stash. This gift is designated for my 7 year old niece.

Here's how it turned out. The front:

The back:
Everything I used to decorate the cd holder I already had. Heck, I have enough scrapbooking stuff to do probably 20 cd holders! Mmm...maybe I'll sell one or two on ebay and see how it goes.

Not a bad Christmas gift for a seven-year-old girl if I do say so myself. All I spent was .99 cents and made great use of my scrapbooking left-overs.

What do you think?


mom_of2boys said...

Very cute! What a great and cheap but fabulous gift idea! Thanks for sharing!

Carrie J said...

Very cute. I'll have to keep and eye out for those. They would make great stocking stuffers.

Brooke said...

very nice! :)

Anonymous said...

Ooo la la!
Very cuteola!

Christa said...

Very nice! I'll have to check my dollar stores for these!

Anonymous said...

Wow! I love this project! I'd like to link to this post for my craft tip Tuesday!

Tiffany @ Lattes And Life said...

I LOVE it! Too cute. I've done altered clipboards as Holiday Countdowns I'm going to gift. And I plan to alter some composition books for my daughter. Love this stuff :-)

Carrie said...

What a great idea! Just in the last month or so, I've started trying to watch what I spend. Why I waited this long to start, beats me!


Anonymous said...

Very cute! I have tons of scrapbooking stuff. The ideas are flowing now....