"It is my job to make sure that you grow up to be a productive member of society and not a burden to it!" ~ my dad.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sale'ing By

Is sale'ing a word? Well, regardless, it's what I've been doing these last two days. Garage sale'ing, that is.

Some friends and I decided we had too much crap gently-used quality items cluttering up our homes so we banded together to pass along our treasures to some other fine folk in exchange for their hard-earned pocket change.

It was, by far, the largest garage sale I've personally ever been a part of. There were seven of us total participating in The Purge and that made for a lot of crap gently-used quality items strewn about the garage, drive-way, lawn and 1/3 of the neighbor's drive-way. There was so much stuff that when we started sorting through it the previous night we realized there was no way all of this was going to fit in the garage for the evening. We ended up leaving it out the entire night while Anita and I slept on her pull-out in the front room with the window open.

You never know when someone might come along at 2 a.m. to steal your case of 80's music cassettes, worn bowling shoes or Chicken Dance Elmo. Seriously, you never know.

Another view:
You can't see it, but the garage is full of crap gently-used quality items, too.

Our two junior entrepreneurs (ages 9 & 5) cooked themselves up a little sidewalk cafe with the help of their dad who handled the burrito making. After two days, the girls made $35.00. Not bad, huh?

Here's Friday morning crew taking in the morning sun along with the fresh scent of other people's cash and fresh breakfast burritos.

I don't know how they did it but all three of these women looked stinkin' cute at 6 a.m. It's not fair, I tell you. Not fair! I was at no time cute these last two days but "stinkin'" would sum me up pretty accurately. I had that garage sale "aroma" about me. You know the one.

All in all, we did excellent. Our entire garage sale pulled in over $900 with my take being a whopping $265! That's a lot of crap gently-used quality items I managed to pass off to some fine folks.

And that, my friends, does not stink!


Anonymous said...

WOW! I need to do this so badly, but I'm lazy about getting around to it. I wish you were my neighbor, then you could motivate me!

mother of seven said...

YOU ROck!!!!